Executive Outplacement

Come on in his career with the help of headhunters with current insight into the job market

Executive Outplacement – process that pays off!


When a company must take leave of a leader or specialist, it is important to go through with the layoffs in a professional and ethically justifiable way, in order not to harm the internal esprit de corps and the external reputation of the company.

Do you have a professional plan ready, if a leader is to be dismissed?

Can it really be, that an Outplacement process can break even and indeed make a profit?

Book a meeting with us

Be prepared for the layoffs – get a free contingency plan

How does your company get through layoffs without dents in the reputation, internal unease among the remaining staff and with as much support as possible for the laid off leader or specialist?

Be prepared with a free contingency plan. After a meeting with you, we send a proposal for how you get through the next layoff of leaders and specialists as best as possible.

Easy, efficient and free!

Contact us

Help them get effectively on in their careers


We tailor a program especially for the leader or the specialist so that he/she can get happily on with their careers.

The programme is tailored individually to fit the situation.

The Executive Outplacement process can be put together of the following:

• Self analysis, person profile analysis inclusive
• Competency survey
• Job goal and career planning
• Application support
• Network and activity plan
• Personal emergence
• Training for job interviews
• Job guarantee (ongoing assistance until a new job is secured)
• Follow-up meetings by appointment

Should we help you find the perfect employee?

Tailored Outplacement


We adapt all our Outplacement processes especially for your company and the leader or specialist who is to be helped on in his or hers career.

We adapt processes within certain amount limits according to the situation of the leader or specialist and secure most value for money.