• Økonomi, HR & Administration
  • Sjælland
  • Denne stilling er blevet besat

The company

We are one of the market leaders in the field of container glass recycling across Europe. We offer the glass manufacturing industry best cullet quality. This is, after all, the only way to ensure highest possible recyclability in the glass melt. Years ago, we developed one of today’s most advanced methods (X-ray fluorescence analysis) for separation of impurities in cooperation with US researchers. It has become indispensable in international cullet processing. We are constantly working to incorporate new findings and research results into our technical processing procedures. This enables us to achieve the best possible result in terms of purity, fines content and colour grading. Every year, more than 1 million tons of cullet can be returned to the material cycle by recycling container and flat glass by type.

We are aware of our responsibility and focus on sustainability and environmental protection! After all, only responsible use of resources will give new generations a future. Container glass in particular is a recyclable material that can be reintroduced into the economic cycle without any limits. Old cullet can be turned into new glass. The primary raw materials used in glass production, such as sand, soda ash, and lime, are considered virtually unlimited. Mining, transport, and processing cause a high expenditure of energy and emissions of CO2, however. Use of 10% of our processed cullet saves 3% energy and 5% CO2 in glass production.

Please visit: https://www.reiling.dk/en

The position as Production Manager

If you are dedicated creating results through lean production and recycling across many ongoing projects, where you add optimal operation, innovation and ensure effective results, and if you are strong in management, then this role as Production manager is tailored for you.

You will be responsible for 35 production employees including quality assurance/laboratory. You will be supported on the technical side and on the quality side from the head office in Germany.

Production takes place in 3-shift at the factory in Næstved.

Responsibility for task(s)

Planning weekly delivery quantities in coordination with the other departments
Inventory (Daily and monthly inventory of material stocks)
Planning and determination of production quantities and types in coordination with production management
Planning and decisions on investments, e.g. repairs, new purchases, etc., in coordination with management (taking energy efficient aspects into account)
Conducting employee interviews
Personnel planning (planning of new hires or layoffs) in coordination with management and human resources
External representation of the company at events (image maintenance)
Planning and implementing projects with other branches
Ensuring optimal operations
Ensuring the profitability of the company (company success)
Conducting budgets for costs and other relevant areas
Identifying KPI´s related to production and executing these KPI´s
Responsible for monitoring and organizing the fire protection concept in coordination with the fire protection officer (e.g. commissioning a security guard to ensure fire and safety protection on the company premises; monitoring buildings and production facilities during non-production times)
Responsible for the coordination, organization and monitoring of operational assignments (e.g. assignment of wheel loader drivers, radiation protection assignment, etc.)
Responsible for the coordination, organization and monitoring of occupational safety (in coordination with the occupational safety specialist and the safety officer)
Control and monitoring for compliance with quality management requirements and, if necessary, initiation of targeted measures
Management of operations
Responsible for orders & deliverance


Reiling Denmark Næstved

Direct responsibilities:

Written assignment for operator of industrial trucks
Person responsible for operations according
Written assignment of signatory to declaration of conformity
Authorized person to record working hours


Taking on additional tasks as directed by the superior
Commitment to working in accordance with energy-ecological awareness (saving all kinds of resources, e.g. water, paper, electricity)
Independent decisions within the scope of his/her area of ​​responsibility, unless the prior consent of the respective superior is required


You embrace production technology in the broadest sense and you are capable of using your knowledge and experience in working with larger production conditions.

Based on your minimum 5 years of documented experience with technical and international cooperation as a manager, you are expected to be able to demonstrate optimization of operations.

You are good at establishing relationships and you are therefore used to communicating

cross organisationally and at all organizational levels – internally and externally.

It is essential that you can navigate and communicate well among international colleagues. You are therefore a good communicator (both in writing and orally) and speak and write both Danish, English and preferably German.

Finally, you are strong in executing the planning and a problem solver who enriches your environment with fresh perspectives and likes to think new ways, creating results that benefit the green transition and the company.

You are:

used to be working with KPIs and optimizing on these.
a strong leader/manager who leads the way and shows the results.
used to work with production planning and optimization
naturally interested in technology
used to working with lean production
used to working with reporting

You education is probably production engineer or equivalent.

You will report to the management of the company situated in Germany.

Apply for the position now:

The recruitment process is handled by expuri.

If you wish to apply for the position, please contact Martin Ingwersen, mobil 31 47 45 34 or [email protected]