Coating Manager, CS Wind Offshore, Odense Port/Lindø

Make a difference together with CS Wind Offshore and become part of the foundation for the green transition.

The Company
At CS Wind Offshore, their purpose is to support a sustainable future, and their vision is to be the market leader in foundations and substations for offshore windmill farms worldwide.

The ambitions for offshore wind are big, and they need to grow to deliver their part of the puzzle for it all to come together. It requires a team, and we are therefore on the search for yet another new colleague who is passionate about making a difference.

It is important, that you possess the right management skills to run complex coating projects in the coating facilities in Odense Port/Lindø and is motivated by optimizing the processes and the coating of XXL Monopiles continuously, both technically and economically. In addition, you shall ensure that everything takes place safely and follows the quality requirements, schedule and budget. Currently, there is 1 Project Manager and a Coating coordinator and 3 Frosio Level 3 Inspectors, that report to you. Since production is going to be 24/7 you will, in corporation with HR, be responsible for building up the department. Coating is today maintained by 80 external workers.

What CS Wind Offshore?
At CS Wind Offshore, you get an exciting and versatile job in a growing international company with a flat structure. You are offered flexibility, a high degree of freedom with responsibility, and you get rich opportunity for personal and professional development as part of a professional team with an informal tone.

Attractive salary and employment conditions are negotiated individually based on experience and qualifications. Furthermore, the company offers a canteen scheme, pension scheme, an active staff association, health insurance and various other employee benefits.

You will have many interfaces in the organization. Your reference will be to the Operations Director for XXL Monopiles.

The workplace is Odense Port/Lindø.

Building a green future together with you who:

Have several years of experience in coating environment management
Have theoretical knowledge and deep understanding of surface treatment of steel structures, including application and drying/hardening
Have strong management and project management skills with financial insight
Can create overview, structure and focus on KPI management / board meetings
Have experience with optimization principles such as: Lean, 5S and continuous improvement
Have a EU work permit, good English skills in both writing and speaking and it is highly preferable that you master Danish
Responsible for management of coating department and coating coordinators with focus on performance, well-being, development and motivation in your area of responsibility
Ensures a safe execution of production in the right quality and on time
Is responsible for implementing measures that ensure a stable, efficient and financially responsible execution of production, including ensuring processes, follow-up and reporting
Responsible for building and adapting the organization in collaboration with the Operations Director
Ensures that fine planning creates full clarity of activities on all production shifts, as well as ensures follow-up on progress on activities
Via Toolbox meetings ensure a clear understanding of the status of production as well as subsequent activities


As part of the team, we also prefer you to:

Have relevant background, such as: Frosio Level 3 Inspector, SSPC Level 2, NACE Level 2,Production Engineer or other relevant competences
Have good knowledge of: ISO 8501 & ISO 5817
Have experience with Coating and personnel management within a relevant comparable industry to CS Wind Offshore
Have an involving leadership style as well as an open-minded and inclusive personality
Have an ability to establish a strong collaboration in your own team and with other departments, including especially ensuring a culture where high motivation and improvements are in focus every day


Value-based collaboration

CS Wind Offshore want a workplace with focus on the whole person, and they collaborate across CS Wind Offshore based on a set of values that guide their behavior. Safety always comes first and is expressed through the term “We Care”. In addition, they work from a desire to be solution-oriented, reliable, better together and always in development. They believe that this, together with their expressed purpose of supporting a sustainable future, helps make CS Wind Offshore a great place to be.

Please send your CV and application to:

Researcher Maja Vind [email protected]

For questions, please contact:


Henrik Lautrup – [email protected]

Headhunter & Partner

Mobil +45 26 48 12 65

Ulrik Bo Vind-Andersen[email protected]

Headhunter & CEO

Mobil +45 31 33 82 21

Applications are processed on an ongoing basis, and we close the process when we have found the right candidate for the position. We look forward to hearing from you.

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